We've all performed updates on our XenApp 6.5 environments with the latest hotfixes and roll-up packs. However, I've found that many Citrix admins forget to upgrade some of the most common add-on components. Case in point, the Citrix App Center console. I have reviewed many customer's Citrix infrastructures, finding that they've upgraded and installed some hotfixes to the core product, but are still on the original version of the App Center console. Did you know that there have been 13 updates to the App Center console? Yep, we are on revision #13 as of January 2016. Hotfix DSCXAMx650W013 was released earlier this year and includes many fixes and new enhancements. Good thing is that the App Center hotfixes included all previous hotfixes, so no need to install versions 1 thru 12 so that you can install 13. Just install 13. Make sure to update the console on all servers or workstations that you use to administer your farm. Best practice, for most farms, is to have two ZDC (Zone Data Collectors) dedicated to management of the farm and publish the App Center as a published application, load balanced across the two ZDC servers. With this scenario, you only need to ensure that the App Center is up-to-date on those two servers.
Find the update here --> http://support.citrix.com/article/CTX142503
To find updates for all versions of XenApp --> http://support.citrix.com/search?ct=Hotfixes&prod=XenApp
One of the services that Geeksulant offers, is a full environment assessment of your Citrix farm(s). Top to bottom, no stone is left unturned. We start with the physical servers, then the hypervisor, then the OS, then the Citrix stack and finally the applications themselves. A full report plus vendor proprietary test results (Citrix, Microsoft, VMware) are also included. Our reports will show our findings, good or bad, what the industry standard best practice is and what our recommendation is, per line item.
Our assessment reports are highly comprehensive and informative. You can utilize our reports to enact your own mediation, or let Geeksultant certified Citrix engineers correct and mitigate all found issues. We also pride ourselves on knowledge transfer and provide training as well with any engagement to ensure that your staff can face the next crisis head on.
Call or email us today for your free quote. 770-559-1492 - sales@geeksultant.com
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